Vibratory Feeders
A brute force style conveyor that does not require tuning and has virtually no external moving parts. Triple/S Dynamics offers a line of brute force style vibratory feeders for both sanitary and industrial applications.
General uses are for controlled feeding from a storage vessel mounted above the unit and trough lengths are typically 12 feet or less. Trough widths can range from 4 inches wide to several feet wide. Sizes are determined for each specific application.
This type of vibratory conveyor uses dual eccentric motors attached to a conveying trough. These motors are attached to the trough at a determined pitch angle and in parallel to allow only allow trough motion in the conveying direction. The troughs are supported using coil spring isolators to reduce any vibration transmission into the supports for the conveyor.
Using a Variable Frequency Drive
Using a variable frequency drive to adjust the speed of the eccentric motors, the velocity of the product flowing through the conveyor trough can be controlled to meter the amount of product that is fed to the next destination. The desired maximum throw of the conveyor can be adjusted by setting the eccentric weight force on the motors. This offers the user the ability to control the feed rate from overhead bins or hoppers into their process line. Flow rates can be adjusted from 0 to 60 plus feet per minute by either manual or automated motor control.
The simplicity of construction and operation make these conveyors not only safe, dependable, and economical, but extremely sanitary as well. Minimal cracks and crevices to harbor dirt as well as open construction methods for ease of cleaning. Typical sealed exciter motors are lubed for life. Units only require a periodic inspection to make sure they are operating within design specifications.
Pan materials can range from stainless steel sheet metal to heavy abrasion resistant carbon steel plate construction for abrasive demanding applications. We also offer a wide range of trough configurations for your specific application. From converging your products into a narrower process line or spreading them out over a wider process line, we can help you achieve your goals. This style of conveyor can also be configured into a shaking table configuration for leveling out product in containers prior to sealing.
These brute force feeder style conveyors are supported using coil spring isolators to reduce any residual vibration into the surrounding support structure. They can be suspended from above or below depending upon your unique requirements. They can also be declined or inclined to meet your production goals.