Mississippi Lime Company
Mississippi Lime Standard Quicklime has set the standard for lime users for years. Lime and quicklime is used in flue gas desulfurization, water and wastewater treatment, steel, paper, chemical and environmental applications. Quicklime and hydrated lime require specific attention and must be handled with care as any chemical would be. Transportation of lime must be gentle and dry. That’s why our non-pitching Industrial Slipstick was the perfect fit for this application. Review our full story for more information.
Customer Challenge
- The installation envelope was constrained within a 7 ft wide by 7 ft high tunnel located underneath the rails from which the hopper cars discharge.
- Design for increase in future capacity from 60 TPH to 94 TPH.
- Pebble lime is abrasive and extremely dusty product. Need to minimize airborne dust.
- Able to convey quicklime from starting from a choke feed condition.
- Conveyor needed to sized to allow for walkaround service access within the tunnel.
Triple/S Solution
- From overhead structural steel, the Slipstick Horizontal Motion Conveyor was hung by rubber bushed end stainless steel suspension rods.
- The Slipstick HDC-15 drive unit was installed on the discharge end of the conveyor pan and was sized to accommodate the future capacity.
- To accommodate service personnel access within the tunnel, the conveyor pan’s width was restricted to 36 inches wide.
- 4 foot long gasketed covers are bolted down the length of the pan. Inlets are choke fed from above, through chutes that are surrounded by flexible boots.
- Without being tied to components such as belts and rollers, Slipstick conveyor pans utilize rubber bushed end stainless steel suspension rods typically spaced at internals of 10-15 ft apart. Few maintenance items.
- Slipstick pans often fit within those tight spaces. The pans can be narrow & tall OR wide & short to accommodate the client’s capacity requirements — in this application, within the tunnel, underneath the tracks.
- Free of vertical pitching forces, the self-balancing forced vibration Slipstick Horizontal Motion Conveyor moves the pebble lime with a pure sliding motion. Doesn’t create dust.
- The unique Slipstick design allows for the opportunity of multiple inlets and multiple discharge locations.